Our Story

Hey! Are you looking for delicious cookies delivered straight to your door? You're in the right place!

My name is Ashley McNeese. I am from Lake Charles, Louisiana. I bake all. the. time. I LOVE cookies and know you will too!

I began baking when I was very young in my grandmother's kitchen. We visited her often and she was always baking and cooking! I was a Girl Scout and participated in all of the baking competitions I could. My grandmother gave me her chocolate chip & peanut butter cookie recipes that I used in competition. I won many trophies and baking became a real passion of mine. I began baking cookies, cakes, pies, cheesecakes and many more delicious treats. Fast forward to today and I am a wife & mother and love spending time with my family. Baking gives me the time and freedom to do those things. Lucy Mae's was born in 2016 & the rest is history!

Baking is my way of being able to create something I love and for you to love as well! I enjoy coming up with new flavors and it excites me when my creations make you happy!

My cookies are thick, gooey, delicious and made with love! You are sure to enjoy and come back for more.

If you have any questions, please contact me via the contact page or head over to Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok to give the cookies a shoutout!

Thank you for supporting my small business!

